I am a second year Computer Science student at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa.
I have experience as a Web Developer.
I have worked with Image Processing Libraries like OpenCV as well.
Currently, I am exploring Machine Learning and particularly Computer Vision through online courses.
My name is Aviral Kumar Goel.

My Work

Steering Wheel
Play any car racing/driving game with a physical steering wheel. Built using OpenCV and Python.

Invisibility Cloak
Remember Invisibility Cloak from Harry Potter movies? Just hold a red cloth in front of you to experience it! Built using OpenCV and Python.

CSA Times Portal
An all encompassing comprehensive Web portal for students of BITS Goa, delivering latest updates and important information.

Message of Joy Web Portal
An anonymous messaging Web portal for students of BITS Goa, to deliver wholesome messages to each other. Made by DevSoc, BITS Goa.